Guiding Lights United


Alone we are radiant, together we are brilliant!

Each one of us has something special to offer, whether it's a talent for art, a passion for helping others, or years of valuable experience in a particular field. By coming together and sharing these qualities with one another, we can truly make a difference.

Let's embrace our individuality and harness our abilities to create the change we want and need in the world - together, we can truly make a difference!

Share your light, support others, change the world.

Imagine a world where everyone is empowered to use their strengths to benefit others and make the world a better place.

  • Love, learn, live and lead a fulfilling life alongside other passionate lightworkers.

  • Share your gifts and talents while making a difference in the lives of others and the world around you.

  • Experience unconditional love, acceptance, respect and belonging as a member of our beautiful soul "framily" and Guiding Lights community.

Be The Light That Shines Through the Darkness

Even in the darkest and most challenging times,
we have the incredible opportunity to bring hope, positivity, and inspiration to those around us. When we choose to be a beacon of light, we create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion that can brighten someone's day or even change their outlook on life.

Whether it's lending a helping hand, offering words of encouragement, or simply sharing our light-hearted energy with others, we have the ability to make a lasting impact. Together, we can radiate our inner light out into the world, igniting a chain reaction of love and positivity that will create a better future for ourselves and all of humanity.


Charitable Gifts

Help & support others through charitable donations and other community service opportunities.


Inform & Support

Provide heart-centered services alongside other like-minded and spirited lightworkers within our community.


Change the World

Lead by example and light the way to a new life, a brighter future and new world for us all.

The power rests in our hands! Now is the time to shine!

Each of us holds a spark within that can light up the world. Though our gifts differ, together we form a brilliant blaze. Let us fan each other's flames, stoking courage, hope and compassion. With open hearts and fearless spirits, we can ignite change.

Shine your light without hesitation. Let it beam across borders and pierce through darkness. Blaze trails for others to follow. No act of kindness is ever wasted; each ripple brightens the tide. Unleash your inner glow - the possibilities are endless.

The choice is ours: will we kindle the fire of progress, or let it smolder and fade?

There Are So Many Ways You Can Shine Your Light in the World

Every Little Bit Makes a Big Difference

Here are some of the many ways our community members, service providers and donors contribute to our cause and how YOU can be a part of the change we need in the world.

Guiding Lights United service providers contribute to the world by sharing their gifts, talents, skills, knowledge and experience while providing heart-centered service to others.

A portion of all membership fees and dues collected from Guiding Lights United members are used to support the organization's growth and development, provide services to local communities and provide goods, services and other charitable donations to those in need.

All funds collected through donations go towards community service projects, member scholarship & financial aid opportunities, charitable contributions to other heart-centered organizations, and other member and community support efforts.

Learn more about how you can become a Guiding Lights Member, Service Provider and/or Donor.

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“There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.”

~Amanda Gorman~

Learn more about some of the many ways Guiding Lights members are making a difference in the world.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

~Lao Tzu~

Want to learn more about becoming a Guiding Lights United Community member and/or a Guiding Lights United service provider?

Sign up to download our FREE Guiding Lights United Information Guide!

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